nov 29

Magnus Carlsen Nanjing 2010


Sedan GM Magnus Carlsen (foto Olle Persson) offentliggjorde sitt beslut om att inte ställa upp i kampen om att få utmana Världsmästaren Vis. Anand har varje tidning med självaktning publicerat och kommenterat beslutet. Den senaste i raden är New York Post som utmanande avslutar artikeln med: ” Men han har lärt någonting från Kasparov, hur man tar sensationellt dåliga beslut.” 

Men Magnus har fram till den 22 december klockan 13.00 att ångra sig. 

…Carlsen had been given a free ride into the final year of the five-year cycle, without having to win anything like the World Cup or Grand Prix. But to become champion he would have to play as many as 26 games. He said didn’t have ”the motivation” for that in light of the rules.

One rule he doesn’t like is the ”privilege” that allows a champion to defend his title in a match. In effect, Carlsen, 19, criticized virtually everything his mentor Garry Kasparov and other great players said was essential to the world championship.

But he has learned something from Kasparov: how to make spectacularly bad decisions.

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